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  • Writer's pictureLiz Horne

Are you told you are 'too sensitive' or do you feel overwhelmed in crowded and noisy places?

Some people may be more sensitive to external stimuli or experience stronger emotional reactions due to a variety of factors, including:

  1. Genetics: Some people may be genetically predisposed to being highly sensitive. Research has suggested that certain genes may be associated with heightened sensitivity to stimuli.

  2. Childhood experiences: Childhood experiences, such as trauma or a highly critical or invalidating environment, can increase sensitivity to perceived threats or emotional experiences.

  3. Personality traits: Certain personality traits, such as introversion, neuroticism, and openness, have been associated with increased sensitivity to external stimuli.

  4. Sensory processing sensitivity: Some researchers have proposed that highly sensitive people have a trait called sensory processing sensitivity (SPS), which is characterized by a greater awareness of and responsiveness to stimuli.

  5. Environmental factors: Certain environmental factors, such as noise or bright lights, can be overwhelming for some people and trigger a heightened response.

  6. Mental health conditions: Some mental health conditions, such as anxiety disorders, can cause hypersensitivity to certain stimuli or situations.

It's important to note that being highly sensitive is not necessarily a disorder or a problem. However, it can cause distress or interfere with daily functioning for some people. If you are experiencing significant distress or impairment due to hypersensitivity, I can help you develop coping strategies.

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