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More about me ...

Liz Horne

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Have you ever woken and wished it was night already?  You needed change in your life, someone to listen to your darker thoughts, some catalyst to spark new possibilities for you?  I certainly have.  Some call it the 'dark night of the soul'.  I call it finally waking to the determination to make the most of the time we have and to be as peaceful as possible, grateful for what we have and open to the possibility that we could be happy alone or even thrive under difficult circumstances.

A lifelong passion for studying human behaviour and promoting self-growth to others has stood me in good stead to completely switch my own life around at age 60 following an extremely traumatic incident, many years of adult emotional abuse and an extremely toxic childhood.  I practice what I preach and look forward to helping you live a more focused, contented and authentic life.

In my practice, you’ll find a safe and welcoming environment where you can express your thoughts and feelings without judgment. I have most likely been in the shoes of many of my clients, having experienced my own unique set of challenges in life, which developed in me a passion for helping others and showing them that life does not have to be hard and lonely. I am particularly passionate about helping people through their mid-life challenges and am trained in a variety of evidence-based counselling techniques such as CBT, mindfulness, stress/anxiety and relaxation counselling, EFT and more.  I apply the different techniques to suit my clients and their individual situations and life-stage. 

I have often felt I was 'hyper-sensitive' and indeed was told that many times in toxic friendships and relationships.  I was alert to other people's moods, body language and tone and I could 'sense' the vibe of a room immediately I walked into it.  Some may think 'hyperarousal' is a gift, and to be honest all this way down the track I am still learning to view it as that, but it's also overwhelming, tiring and not conducive to either physical or emotional health.  After many healing sessions with my own trusted mentors I now understand my system was wired that way as a result of prolonged childhood trauma where my physical and mental survival was geared around observation to keep me safe.  At the time it served me well....but it's difficult to release for sure.   Therefore of particular interest to me is assisting clients to break dysfunctional patterns of co-dependency, and empowering individuals to establish boundaries and regain self-respect, motivation and confidence.  This in turn, over time, settles the nervous system and allows us to rewire our hypervigilant brain to relax.

I do have a soft spot for Solution-focused therapy (SFT) as I find it fast, effective and empowering for the client.  SFT is generally therapy of a shorter duration that emphasizes identifying and building on a person's strengths and resources rather than focusing on their problems or weaknesses. It is often used to help people find solutions to specific issues or challenges they are facing in their lives.  SFT is based on the assumption that people have the resources they need to solve their problems, and that the therapist's role is to help the person access and utilize these resources. The therapy is future-oriented, with the goal of helping the person envision a positive future and work towards that future.   SFT can be used to address a wide range of issues, including relationship problems, depression, anxiety, addiction, and more.

I am a huge advocate of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and practise it many times a day myself.  This may be something that will help you also.  EFT is a type of alternative therapy that involves tapping on certain acupressure points on the body while focusing on specific emotional issues. It is also sometimes called "tapping."

EFT is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, which believes that the body has energy pathways or meridians that can become blocked, leading to emotional and physical symptoms. By tapping on these meridians, EFT aims to release blocked energy and improve emotional well-being. EFT is often used to treat conditions such as anxiety, depression, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is also sometimes used for pain management and to improve overall well-being. The technique involves identifying a specific issue or emotion to work on, focusing on it while tapping on specific acupressure points on the body, and then reassessing the intensity of the emotion or issue. The process is usually repeated until the intensity of the emotion or issue decreases or disappears altogether.

The vagus nerve is one of the longest nerves in the body, running from the brainstem through the neck and into the chest and abdomen. It plays a crucial role in regulating many bodily functions, including heart rate, breathing, digestion, and immune response.  Recent research has also shown that the vagus nerve is involved in regulating our mental and emotional states. Specifically, the vagus nerve is involved in the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the "rest and digest" response, which helps to counteract the "fight or flight" response of the sympathetic nervous system.  Activation of the vagus nerve has been associated with a range of mental health benefits, including decreased anxiety and depression symptoms, improved mood, and enhanced social functioning. Researchers believe that this may be due to the vagus nerve's role in regulating the release of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, that are important for mood regulation.  In addition, the vagus nerve is involved in the body's stress response system, and when it is activated, it can help to reduce the body's physiological response to stress, including heart rate and cortisol levels.

The vagus nerve is an important pathway through which the mind and body are interconnected, and understanding its role in mental health may help you to tone the vagal response.  There are several ways to improve or achieve vagal tone, which refers to the strength and responsiveness of the vagus nerve. Here are some strategies:

  1. Deep breathing: Slow, diaphragmatic breathing, where the belly expands as you inhale and contracts as you exhale, can help to stimulate the vagus nerve and improve its tone.

  2. Meditation: Mindfulness meditation and other relaxation techniques have been shown to improve vagal tone, possibly through their effects on stress reduction.

  3. Exercise: Regular physical activity, particularly aerobic exercise, can increase vagal tone and reduce stress.

  4. Cold exposure: Cold showers or immersions in cold water have been shown to stimulate the vagus nerve and improve its tone.

  5. Social connection: Positive social interactions and feelings of social connectedness can help to improve vagal tone.

  6. Probiotics: Certain strains of probiotics have been shown to improve vagal tone, possibly through their effects on the gut microbiome.

  7. Singing and chanting: Activities that involve deep breathing and vocalization, such as singing or chanting, can help to stimulate the vagus nerve and improve its tone.

 Some of these strategies have worked exceptionally well for me and I'm happy to expand on them if we work together.

I also have experience in career coaching, goal setting, motivation and mindset shifts, and work closely with you to uncover your narratives and limiting beliefs which may be keeping you stuck in life and feeling lost and a failure.

Can you imagine waking and throwing back the covers and actually (finally) feeling optimistic about the day and with beautiful clarity about your intent?   Can you feel the joy in that possibility?   I find that having a plan is half the battle. 

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